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CSR Singapore updates the Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme CLS (IoT)

In a significant move to enhance the Cybersecurity Labelling Scheme for IoT (CLS(IoT)) program, several impactful changes will be implemented from September 22, 2023. These changes are designed to elevate security provisions, simplify the application process, and ensure a more robust certification framework for developers and manufacturers.

Key Changes and Improvements:

  1. Approval of CLS(IoT) Testing Laboratories (TLs):

    • Effective from September 22, 2023, CLS(IoT) Testing Laboratories (TLs) are now authorized to conduct reviews of the declaration of conformity for all CLS(IoT) levels. Developers and manufacturers can engage CLS(IoT) TLs to facilitate a comprehensive review process. Further details are available on the CLS(IoT) publications page.
  2. Introduction of CCC SP-151-4 CLS(IoT) Assessment Methodology v1.0:

    • A new publication, CCC SP-151-4 CLS(IoT) Assessment Methodology v1.0, has been unveiled. This document serves as a guide, offering clarifications on the specific requirements of each security provision. It outlines what is expected from IoT devices to meet security provisions, aiding assessors in evaluating evidence.
  3. CLS(IoT) Application Process Moves to GoBusiness Portal:

    • The CLS(IoT) application process has transitioned entirely to the GoBusiness Portal. This shift is aimed at streamlining application intake, allowing manufacturers and developers to make payments directly on the site, thus reducing project lead times.
  4. Revised Documents for CLS(IoT) Applications:

  5. Enhanced Binary Scan for CLS(IoT) Level 3 and Level 4:

    • The binary scan, a mandatory requirement for CLS(IoT) Level 3 and Level 4, has been enhanced. Developers and testing laboratories must now ensure thorough scrutiny, addressing all known vulnerabilities in the device’s software components and declared components in the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). Detailed information is available in the CCC SP-151-2 CLS(IoT) Scheme Specifications v1.3 publication.

These updates within the CLS(IoT) program signify a commitment to continual improvement, security, and efficiency. Developers and manufacturers are encouraged to explore the CLS(IoT) publications page for comprehensive insights into the recent advancements in the certification process.