Saudi Wireless Regulatory Services



SASO IECEE Recognition Certificate for Lighting (Lamps & Luminaires)

Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) IECEE Recognition Certificate is now required Some lighting products (lamps and luminaries).SASO IECEE Recognition Certificate is now required in order to obtain a Shipment Certificate of Conformity

Requirements for obtaining Certificates:

  1. IECEE CB Test Report and CB Certificate from an IECEE Certified Body, dated within 3 years, in accordance with the applicable IEC safety standard.
  2. Products must be tested for SASO Energy Efficiency requirements in accordance with either standard SASO 2870:2015 or SASO 2902:2018 depending on the product type. This testing must be carried out by a SASO-approved laboratory.
  3. Apply for SASO Energy Efficiency Certification and Labels for the product using the SASO 2870:2015 or SASO 2902:2018 test reports gained from point 2 above.
  4. Apply for SASO IECEE Recognition Certificate using the IECEE CB Test Report, IECEE CB Certificate, and Energy Efficiency documents mentioned in previous points