Sri Lanka - Type Approval Regulatory news

Sri Lanka


Sri Lanka TRCSL New Type Approval Regulation

We wish to inform you that there has been some serious changes in the Type Approval system granted in Sri Lanka and Gazette Notification issued by the Government of Sri Lanka on same clearly mentioning all the new regulations. 

List out the following most import points:

  1. Exemption Letter: You should submit the standard type approval application with relevant test reports (DOC, EMC, Health & Safety, Radio compatibility etc., test reports issued from ILAC accredited laboratory) . 
  2. When import some RTTE, the importing party must have to get a type approval for their importing RTTE. Old type approval will be expired on June 2021
  3. Hence all Type Approvals granted before the 16th December 2020 will lapse by the 30th June 2021 and you need to re-apply for new Type Approvals.
  4. All Type Approvals and Exemption Letters would be issued within 1Month(30 Days) from the date of Submission. So the period for the Type Approvals + Exemption Letters would be 1 month from the date of submission.
  5. For all new Type Approvals submitting Samples is a must. No application will be entertained without samples.
  6. In the case of the Exemption Letter no Samples are required but you need to submit the Type Approval Application as usual and what the TRCSL will issue is an Exemption letter.