Malaysia - Type Approval Regulatory news



MCMC Cancels 477 MHz Band for Personal Radio Service Device Use

SIRIM, Malaysia has declared that CoCs that have been expired for more than six months will no longer be valid for renewal. The system will automatically suspend the CoC, as per clause 4.3 of the Certification Agreement eTAC/DOC/01-1, and notify SIRIM QAS International if it has expired for more than six months. If the Certificate Holder does not take any action within fourteen working days from the suspension date of the CoC, the CoC will be recommended for cancellation to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) without any further notice to the Certificate Holder.
However, impacted applicants will be given a 30-day grace period from the date of this announcement to proceed with renewal applications. If no action is taken within this 30-day period, the approved Type Approval application will be closed, and the impacted model will need to go through a new Type Approval application before it can be imported.
Official Announcement Date: 13 December 2023
More details can be found here