Bocra Introduces Official Type Approval Exemptions – BOTSWANA

Botswana - Type Approval Regulatory news



BOCRA Introduces Official Type Approval Exemptions

“Bocra,” the Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority, has announced its intention to provide official Type Approval Exemptions. This means that existing exemptions can undergo a re-application process to obtain formal exemption certificates.
It’s important to note that the re-application for official exemptions is voluntary. Meanwhile, existing exemptions will continue to remain valid.
These exemptions will be granted following the standard Type Approval Procedure.
The following equipment is not subject to approval:
  1. Personal computing devices such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and IoT devices equipped with WiFi and Bluetooth transceivers.
  2. Receiving equipment including FM/MW/SW radios, televisions, satellite decoders, and set-top boxes.
  3. Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (RTTE) embedded in vehicles, such as Bluetooth, navigation systems, remote sensors, and car keys. However, it’s essential to ensure that such RTTE operates within designated frequency bands.
  4. Global Mobile Personal Communication by Satellite (GMPCS) terminals marked with “ITU.”

Type Approval Exemptions updated in BOCRA – BOTSWANA

Botswana - Type Approval Regulatory news



BOCRA Updates its Type Approval Exemptions

BOCRA, the Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority has recently implemented a new regulation that introduces categories of equipment that are not covered by Type Approval. This regulation, which is currently in force, includes guidelines for “Type Approval Exemptions” in Botswana. The exemptions apply to various electronics, including personal computers, laptops, tablets, and Receive-Only equipment.
Please check here for the official document: Type Approval Exemptions

ICS and HS not applicable – BOTSWANA

Botswana - Type Approval Regulatory news



ICS and HS not applicable

Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS) recently have notified WTO of a draft Standards (Compulsory Standards) Regulations 2023​. These Regulations shall apply to:

a. Procedures for inspection, testing and certification of products that are imported into Botswana in a manner consistent with the provisions of the TBT Annex to the SADC Trade Protocol and the WTO/TBT Agreement Principles;
b. Procedures for inspection, testing and certification of products that are locally manufactured in Botswana in a manner consistent with the provisions of the TBT Annex to the SADC Trade Protocol and the WTO/TBT Agreement Principles; and
c. The protection for human safety or health, environmental protection, legitimate security interests and prevention of deceptive practices.


Click here for main announcement.

Type Approval verification guidelines (SIM Enabled devices) – BOTSWANA

Botswana - Type Approval Regulatory news



Type Approval verification guidelines (SIM Enabled devices)

On January 13th, BOCRA published the Type Approval guidelines for SIM-Enabled Devices which will be implemented and come into force on April 1st, 2022. The aim of the guidelines is to protect both the ICT networks and the consumers against adverse effects introduced by the rapid increase of non-type Approved counterfeit and substandard devices and ensure that only registered devices are used in public networks. To ensure that the SIM-Enabled Devices used in the public networks are compliant with the national standards, these must follow the current Type Approval requirements.

The Authority has implemented a Type Approval Verification System that will verify compliance to the Type Approval process by registering and monitoring devices that are connected to the public networks.

CLICK HERE to download BOCRA Type Approval Verification

BOCRA issues Type Approval without expiration – BOTSWANA

Botswana - Type Approval Regulatory news



BOCRA issues Type Approval without expiration

The Botswana authority BOCRA issues from now on type approval without expiration date.

Type Approval certificates which still have an expiry date should be updated 3 months in advance to an approval without expiration date.

Note, that changes in equipment will still require a new type approval.

Download link official document